Maybe you can set up a <a href="" target="_new">Rube Goldberg</a> type alarm clock. Have the alarm on full blast, which will awaken and scare a nearby crow into it's house. The weight of the crow + house will cause it to pull a rope connected to the shower knobs. The knobs will turn, blasting the water on full power, drenching a sleeping dog. The dog will then jump onto the nearest dry surface, your bed. Because nobody likes being awakened by a wet, smelly dog.
Or maybe it's just normal, and you have nothing to worry about. You should still give the wet dog alarm clock a try. You know, just for kicks. Try it on a family member. They'll love ya for it!
Edit: Nevermind, Rube already came up with one himself. <a href="" target="_new">Automatic Alarm Clock</a> From what I can tell, it involves a bird, and a bowling ball.