airbrush advice / site?
Yo! In much the same way I got into pottery, cartooning, and writing, I'm jumping into airbrushing with no frickin idea how to go about it. I am now the proud owner of an airbrush and an air compressor. The problem is, I know next to nothing about how to use this fine artistic instrument.
Can anyone point me towards a good site to visit/book to read/store for supplies?
Thanks! life is so odd. With a nothing more than spraypaint, I flamed a few mailboxes and started doing artsy-fartsy work on garage cabinets. Nest thing I know, someone gives me an airbrush, because they think I'd be good with it.
I'm afraid that someday someone may see me pulling a splinter out of my hand, and hand me a bag of surgical tools...because you KNOW if I got them, I'd just HAVE to start using them.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.