Originally posted by Mr.Deflok
Whoops, the "Last level I did"? The one in the sewers? Yup, that was solid. For that sticky cam bit I whistled the first guard over to the checkpoint, headshoted him with the SC in the dark, shot out the light directly in front of the checkpoint across the courtyard which in turn draws the other guard to inspect it, headshot. Then creep out and shoot the doggy from afar. Now go up the pipe and shoot out all the lights on the balcony, there are two openings to hear the convo, use the leftmost one and aim just above the boxes below "The code for today is..."
This game owns me (but not in the way own would mean in terms of difficulty).
You're kidding about the pipe part, right? I didn't even see it! I just went and opened the door to where they were talking and shot the Cam about two feet above the guys head (that was closest to the wall). Haha no wonder it was so hard. I was in 50% light also listening to the conversation. Crazy. I need to start looking around more.