Choose and lose. I agree with Cynthetiq on much of the arguement presented here except in the original case of the HS Girl. If she is at a public school and legally able to smoke, she should be able to do so anywhere that it is legal.
If she is at a private school, she plays by THEIR rules or she has to go.
"Fatz Man, Let me tell you my story..."
I had an employee that smoked pot. I knew he smoked it and told him that he could do whatever he pleased as long as he kept it out of my business. In other words, I told him to keep it at home and I wouldn't bother him.
He was selling to others to fund his habit. He had pot in his car and would meet up with people and sell in my back parking lot. I confronted him and told him it had better not happen again. I explained that he was AT work even though he wasn't IN work and that he could cause me to get shut down, thus denying me a way to make a living. I sell to lots of kids and minors and a pot charge to one of my employees would be a death sentence to my business...Literally! He agreed to my terms and went back to work.
Two days later he handed a bag of weed to a fellow employee IN THE STORE and also did a deal in the back lot with a customer. I FIRED him like a fucking gun. I also nearly beat the living shit out of him for gambling my families future on his dope habit!
Does that make me a dick for interfering in HIS personal activities?
His personal activities cost him his job just the same. I tell most people who ask that the guy moved away but he really got fired for being STUPID. His choice, not mine.
Last edited by tangledweb; 04-04-2004 at 07:15 AM..