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Old 04-04-2004, 03:33 AM   #22 (permalink)
Originally posted by Strange Famous
I have to say, to the people recomending that the best way to deal with a mad at the world kid is to have someone much stronger than him beat him... like has already been said "fire, here is some fuel I am going to pour on you"

What will it teach him? that if you are strong you can attack someone and not be punished, if you are weak you will be beaten... so he will beat people weaker than him because he can't hit the person who beats him back, until he gets strong enough and can start hitting back, or he just learns that violence is the way to get his way.
The fuel on fire concept, as has been brought up by several people, is- in my opinion- weak, flawed, and completely disparate from what's going on here.

I don't think anyone here is suggesting he be beaten up just to beat him up. You're not "fueling" anything. He has misguided anger, fine. He can't accept that you don't just hit people because you feel like it, fine. You teach him a lesson.

If i say, "don't do this" 98 times and he still does it a 99th time, what has he learned? That when someone says, "don't do this" he can ignore them without consequence?

That's why we have so many fucked up little BRATS running around. There is no PUNISHMENT. So many kids are pathetically told not to do things, and when they persist, it's written off and ignored because the parents (if you can call them that) don't want to deal with it. It's easier to give in.

He needs to be told once, told again, and then taught (in the case of hitting girls, this is a one-strike deal). For some people, you have to punish them for their crime for them to learn from it.

Being reprimanded in a very real way by someone you look up to is quite something, especially to a child.

Kids need to learn respect. I fear that respect is one virtue missing from a lot of kids... and that's a fuckin shame.
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