this is a trick question!! There are none! Why limit philosophy to "modern" thinkers?
If you think Chuck Palahniuk, Trey Parker, Matt Stone
Philip K Dick, Terrance Mkenna, and Hunter S Thompson are philosophers then you need to learn how to read.
At least you didn't tack on Ayn Rand!!
You forgot Peter Singer... he thinks humans are just as valuable as animals. His ideas are quite popular wouldn't you say?
Sounds like the camp comandant Amon Goethe in Schlinder's List!!
Also, don't confuse the quasi-spiritual musings of scientists with useful philosophy. Notice how they create a supernaturalism at the fringes of knowledge... yet lack the humility to admit that they can not know everthing with perfect certainty. This is called "ironic science".
I also enjoy the way that people toss around rarified concepts sich as quantum mechnics like that actully suggests we comprehend what is occuring. Drawing a graph or writing an equation is not comprehesion, it is only pallid description.