The specific claim is and always has been lies.
Continuing to point out 'mistakes' or lack of substantiation of the governments claims, whether bush, cheney, powell, clinton, albright, or other and calling them lies, especially when someone comes forward again, and fesses up to the mistake or failures is disengenous at best.
They might have been lies, who knows. The trail goes back so far. A cabinet member confessing that he was mistaken (or misled or misinformed, possibly even misguided), is not proof of lies. It supports mistakes, and only proves the quality of the man owning up to the mistakes.
If it's simply a mistake, it seems the only way we found out about it was to go and look for ourselves.
Wouldn't you agree?
I still maintain they will turn up in Syria, and in time for the election. Time will tell. I will be humbled to admit as much should I be mistaken. It won't make me a liar.
To keep to the light hearted nature of the ribbing presented:
Hero indeed
If I measured statesmen by the perjuries committed, impeachments imposed, and disbarrments assest.