I love cigars and a pipe everyonce in a while, the tastes and smell of the tobacco is great, I hate store bought cigs, they taste bad, smell bad and are just harsh as hell. I do roll my own cigs, but I quit a while back... then I started working at a resturant as a line cook, so the only time I get breaks is if I am smoking a cig or in the bathroom, so I started smoking again so I could get breaks during my shifts. I don't NEED to smoke, I accually enjoy it, but it kills my wallet when I start buying store bought cigs. Otherwise I could care less if you smoke or don't... just don't tell me I need to stop.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich