Originally posted by yournamehere
I guess it's all about intent.
'First degree murder' and 'involuntary manslaughter' victims are all dead - but the sentences are miles apart.
Right on. Judgement about this persons fantasies should be put aside when thinking about this case. Intent has a lot to do with how we punish people in the judicial system in America. This guy is being punished not because hes a violent out of control criminal. He's being punished for his own stupidity. Crimes of stupidity *in general* are given more lenience in the system than malicious crimes. Thats how it should be. Intentional crimes are a purposeful disregard for the law they break. One who commits an intentional crime is more likely to do it again. I'll bet if this guy ever wants to go through with this fantasy again, he'll TRIPLE check the address

Its pretty obvious he had the chance to actually go through with raping that woman, but once he realized what was happening, he stopped. He never intended to do anything that wasnt consentual with his partner, or anything that broke the law. Obviously he needs to be punished in some way or pay some sort of restitution to the unintended victim, but to give this man the same kind of treatment that would be given to a man who maliciously raped a woman against her will (or tried and failed) would be completely unjust.