Originally posted by Rococo
What's the deal if you get a 9500 that won't mod properly? Can you still overclock it? Or does the card get permanently fucked?
Nah, it doesn't get fucked. You will experience nasty graphical artifacts in 3D games, such as checkerboard patterns on light sources etc. Basically graphical errors that will over time piss you off. Kind of like when you overclock a graphics card too much. It's totally reversable however and you can still run fine as a standard 9500.
All the mod does is unlock an extra four pixel pipelines so you have exactly twice the fill rate, and the 256-bit memory bus already existant on the card takes advantage of this raw power. The problem is, a lot of the time the extra 4 pipelines are not enabled to begin with because of one thing : they don't work properly. Hence enabling them can cause graphical errors. Of course, in a lot of cases the extra 4 pipelines are perfectly intact and you have just bagged yourself a very cheap 9700
I went straight for the Pro because I didn't want to risk being stuck with standard 9500 should the mod not work (my supplier is VERY picky about what they RMA).