Originally posted by asaris
OshnSoul -- I think I understand the point you're trying to make; bad things happen to us so that we can grow from them. I'm not sure what you mean by 'our souls will them', but I don't think that affects the point I'm about to make.
I think that evil is bad. There are things that happen which are not justified by any good that might possibly come out of them. I think that the denial of this is the sign of a weak soul that needs to believe that, somehow, everything has a meaning, where the strong soul realizes that the world is just an evil place, and so evil happens. I think it trivializes the evil that befalls people to believe that it happens as a 'growing experience'. Evil is here, and its real, and I don't think you need to be a Christian to see it.
And this is precisely why I'm a Christian -- because I believe in the reality of evil. The only way I can stand evil, stand against evil, is because I know there is a Good Person who is much stronger than it. He, and far too rarely Him working though me, makes good out of the evil. This doesn't justify evil, doesn't give it a meaning, or anything trite like that, but it's the only way to make things even a little bit better. I have faith in a God that will make all things new, create a new world where there will be no 'growing experiences'. This is the center of my faith, that though there is evil and pain in this world, there is also a God. Not a God who is some mysterious energy force or some entity blind to our sufferings, but a God who walked with us, who knows all the suffering that we suffer, and so a God who suffers with us.
Of course you don't have to be a Christian to see it, yet you are a Christian who sees it. That I agree with. A Christian is a definition of a certain belief, but people can still believe the same thing as you, yet not be called a Christian. It's just a label, a category.
Evil is a creation of Man designed to classify that which is not Who We Are, that which is not what we believe is right and good.
It is like defining cold water and hot water, for instance. But the cold and the hot come from the same source, water. It is just different polarities.
I grew up in a Christian church, yet the whole time couldn't understand the things that were contradiciting in the belief. I am not against Christianity, nor any religion for that matter, because all religions have Truth. And God can be realized in every path.
But I felt that how could there be another Source existing that was not what the world is, what God is (everything), what I am.
Evil is simply the choices and actions made in which people find offensive, wrong, and against their beliefs. Yet, we've been given the gift of Free Will. If we have this Free Will, why would we be punished or judged by an all-loving Source that gave us Unconditional Love and Free Will and that if we did something against God's Will (
our Free Will???) that we would be sent to an eternal place of Hell. I don't believe in a physical existance of a Heaven or Hell, but a state of mind- what we create in our minds as to what we experience and perceive.
I am not stepping on your Truth, I respect yours with all my heart. That is Who You Are. That defines you.
This is my Truth. There is "God"- The Source that runs through all things. This source has no preference to our existance and our choices that we make, that is defined as being given Free Will. This Source is of Love, without restrictions, rules, or judgement (Unconditional Love). And that Love Is All There Is, Ultimately. Yet make choices toward or against Love. No choice better or worse, evil or good, that we make, but that there are infinite choices- and out of those are "high" choices, made from Love, and "other" (not lower) choices, made against Love, or out of
Fear. That is the human polarity to Love. Any choice made is either made out of Love or Fear.
That I am created by this Source, just like everyone and everything else in existance, but choices made by us (humanity as a whole or individually) can create what seems to be "evil". It
can affect the world around us, either in a positive way or negative way. But that doesn't make it evil. We simply need to see the choices for what they are, why we make or will make the choices that we make, and observe the outcome of those choices. See what works for us and what doesn't. That defines Who We Are, and we must experience Who We Are Not to define Who We Are. Whether it be someone who is against abortion, or someone who gets hurt. Those all, even though painful, will help us decide and define and declare even more of Who We Are. There's nothing wrong with it, it keeps the world turning.
I appreciate your input and view. Thank you forr sharing it with us.
And thank you SEXYMAMA for your posts, as well. And I really enjoy your sig quotes.