Call around to a couple of exterminator companies. I would ask lots of questions relating to the pesticides they use. I would think there may be a few things they can do to protect kids from the stuff cause they deal with it all the time they might have a few ideas. This may also give you a better idea of who to use. If they can give you some good ideas or if they just say it's no big deal. That might tell you who will be more careful. Also they may be able to better tell where the bugs are coming from and go right to the source or spray more outside instead of inside.
Also if you could send the kids to Grandma's for an additional day or two might ease your mind more. Besides Grandma should be more willing to help in order to protect her grandkids. Don't know if that's a possibility or not.
I don't know anything about that kind of bug. That's one route I'd take though. A thought.
A quick note. Reading up on this it seems that Carpenter Ants frequently live INSIDE homes and tunnel into soft or rotting wood structures. They don't eat the wood like termites do but they chew it and push it out of the nest as sawdust. Look for sawdust around to possibly locate the nest. From everything I read if you or an exterminator can locate the nest then you don't have to do a general spraying of the house. That would reduce any exposer of your children to the pesticide.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 04-03-2004 at 05:30 AM..