Thread: Dry Ice Bombs
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Old 05-02-2003, 10:08 PM   #11 (permalink)
cheese's Avatar
Location: In your bath tub with all your other rubber toys

needed 1 bottle liquid "the works toilet bowl cleaner"
20 oz soda bottle
tin foil rolled in to 1/4 inch balls ( you can use just small sheets but balls work better)

open bottle pour about 1 1/2 inches of works in to bottle add some tin foil balls , shake briskly for a few sec , Throw , run like hell.

The good thing about this is that works is WAY easier to get ahold of than Dry ice and is much easier to handle, although it does have hydrocloric acid that can burn you so becareful.

on a side note the acid burns/melts shit kills crass ect . so dont use these Anyware were it can be picked up by an animal or hit a house or some thing like that becare full

you can make all sorts of things with house hold chemicals . You can even make mustard gas, you know the notirios chemical gas of WWI. i would tell but that a lili' irresponsable

Last edited by cheese; 05-02-2003 at 10:11 PM..
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