"Why are you then infringing on MY RIGHT to create a WHOLESOME company or school environmnet? I choose to attend something with STRUCTURE."
Well we aren't arguing that the company owners can impose certain rules on company property, its off the property that we are debating.
The company is infriging on my right to do an activity that is legal to do. Now sure I'm not forced into this job, but like Kutulu said, getting a job isn't exactly that easy, and having a decent paying job that a person can at least support ones self is neccessary.
So basically what I'm trying to say is that companies, I don't think, should be allowed to impose rules such as you aren't allowed to smoke off company property because of the importance of having a job is in todays world.
Similar to the concept for having anti-trust laws. One can argue that its the buisness owners right to lower prices so competeing buisness's can't, well, compete, and then when they go out of buisness jack up prices again, but it just isn't right to do that and hurts the nation as a whole economically.
"We do what we like and we like what we do!"~andrew Wk
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