Sounds like you need to adjust your diet. Muscle needs fuel to build so give your self plenty of protein and complex carbs. You seem to get a lot of cardio, what with dancing and all so you probably need even more fuel to keep those muscles building.
Like you when I started lifting I knew hardly anything, I didn't know the names of the exercises or what exercises I should do. I hired a trainer for a while and that helped a lot. It got me on track and once I had some idea of what to do I flew off on my own. Through lots of research, internet, books and observation I learned the names of exercises, how to use the machines and the importance of free-weights. The more you learn, the more satisfied you will be with your work-out. Its great that your pushing around the iron, just keep doing it and learn as you go. It will only get better from here. For more information and inspiration you might try Its a great site.
Thousands of Monkeys, all screaming at once. Pulling God's finger.