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Old 04-02-2004, 07:26 AM   #50 (permalink)
Wehret Den Anfängen!
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally posted by kutulu
Last time I checked it was illegal to discriminate.
Well, you looked in the wrong place.

It is illegal to discriminate along some limited grounds.

You can only hire non-idiots, fire slackers, and insist that your employees know how to tie a granny-knot. All of these discriminate.

Unless they are going to forbid their employees from ALL unhealthy activities (including drinking, foods, failure to exercise, infiedelity, etc.) its discrimination.
*sigh*, it is discrimination even if they choose to single out all unhealthy activities.

You just don't think it is 'fair' unless they do that.

You have the right to do whatever you want.

You have the right to live with the consequences when you are an idiot and do stupid things.

You do not have the right to be shielded from the consequences of your stupid things.

People who own companies have basically the same rights.

You can choose to be a smoker, but you have the obligation to live with the consequences of your action. Including not working for companies who choose to disallow it.

We are not talking about drug testing, we are talking about forbiding a person from engaging in a perfectly legal activity.
You seem to think that 'legal' is the only valid restriction on behaviour.

Legal and Illegal are simply terms that define what rules the government will enforce.

Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it has no consequences. It is legal to drop out of school. Dispite this, a company does not have to hire high school dropouts. It is legal to smoke. Dispite this, a company does not have to hire smokers.

If my employer tried to pull that shit on me I'd sue their asses (even if I didn't smoke).
Go ahead. You are allowed to sue people. And, they are allowed to countersue for the frivolous lawsuit. I'd advise you to check up with a lawyer before you get sue happy.

People need to start standing up for themselves. Driscrimination is allowed all over the place. Some employers have policies that forbid employees from waterskiing, rock-climbing, off road driving, etc. Ever notice that you NEVER see overweight or ugly people working at a trendy bar?
Was Mrs. O'Leary unable to operate her bus properly because she weighed 368 pounds? Did the drinks Daniel Winn had a few years ago effect his ability to work years later? Was Janice Bone a shitty worker because she smoked off duty? This is fucking bullshit. What I do when I'm not getting paid is not my employer's business.
Then can I form a business that only hires 26-41 year old mexican men without physical disabilities?

We have defined certain limits on discrimination. They have been expanded. If people stand up for themselves, they will expand it again.
Oops, you missed a step. If people stand up for themselves, and the rest of society agrees they have a point, they will expand it again.

If you love your job, should you have to find a new one because they won't let you go waterskiing?
Either convince them to let you go waterskiing, don't waterski, lie, or get a new job.

I think companies that don't let you go waterskiing are idiotic, but they can be idiotic with their money if they want.

Smooth comments:
I suppose you could keep thinking of more requirements until you obtained your desired hiring population.
You could probably be hit with 'as if' or 'your regulations effectively discriminate along illegal lines'.

analog typed:
My response would be, "well you don't HAVE to stick your nose in MY fucking business, that's what YOU don't have to do."
Yes, the company doesn't have to monitor your smoking.

You don't have to monitor the stock price, or ethical behaviour, of your corperation.

There are many things you don't have to do, but you are allowed to do.

Companies are allowed to be busybodies and require silly things of their employees. They can pick whom they give money to. Employees are allowed to be busybodies and require silly things of their employer. They can pick who they will work for. Stupid companies who require silly things of employees should be avoided, and stpuid employees who require silly things from companies should be avoided.

You would call this a stupid argument, but since it's a word-for-word contradiction to YOUR argument, I think it's a perfectly fine rebuttal. It shows just how absurd your argument is to begin with- being able to be cut down by a simple contradiction of terms.
That which is not permitted is not that which is forbidden.

Which is exactly why your arguement is stupid.

In the privacy of my own home, behind closed doors, off-duty, and with the permission of the government (smoking tobacco IS legal, after all), I would tell them to shove that contract up their holier-than-thou ass and kiss my basic human rights. Working for your company or not, it is BULLSHIT to tell me what I can or can not do something that is legal and HAS NO EFFECT ON YOU WHATSOEVER.
I agree. Don't work for the fucktards.

They'll end up having to pay their workers more to attract people willing to live with a nanny company, and have to charge their customers more, and should be out competed and crushed into dust.

But, that isn't up to you to decide for them. They are free to be idiots all they want.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.
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