I can see no convincing argument why prostitution should be illegal.
If you don't want to have sex with a prostitute (I certainly don't), then don't; nobody is forcing you.
If you do want to, you're not hurting anyone, (except maybe your self and your wallet). I don't see that the law should be there to make people's decisions for them.
If want to sell your body, again, the only person you are going to hurt is maybe yourself.
The law should be there to protect me from the actions of other people, not to make my decisions for me. I am old enough to make up my own mind on such things.
As for the prostitution is degrading for women argument: Nobody is forcing these women into this job. It is their decision and nobody elses.
As for the prostitutes get mistreated argument: Well this, if anything is an argument for legalisation of prostitution. The reason that there is so much abuse in these areas is due to its connection with crime. If a prostitute is being mistreated, who is she going to go to? The police? Her Union head?
If prostituion was legalised, a much healthier, safer environment would be available to these women.