do cardio first. no matter what. if you don't want to be burning much fat, then don't do to intense of a cardio workout. you'll still get cardio health benefits, although you may not improve your cardio fitness quickly.
the reason you do cardio first is because, as war wagon said, it's anaerobic. you want to be able to do as good of a possible cardio session. the more intense you exercise, the less %fat burned, but more calories total.
with lifting, most of the energy from lifting comes from pc-atp system (phospho-creatine). whenever you sprint, about the first 20 seconds of it is fueled primarily from that system. after about 15 seconds anaerbic glycolysis starts kicking in and from 20 to 60 seconds it is the primary energy system. so unless you run marathons before lifting, you will always have enough blood glucose/glycogen stores (especially since when you run/bike, the muscle glycogen stores used come from the legs, so if you want, take the cardio easier on leg day).
but always do cardio first.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer