Usually jeans/khakis/cords...I don't wear shorts very often, since my legs glow in the dark

Pants are almost always boot-cut or flared...I really hate straight-leg jeans. I also love the "hippie" looking jeans, with designs near the cuffs or up the legs.
I like peasant tops and t-shirts...when I lived at home, I used to steal my stepdad's safety t-shirts from work.
I'm short, so I got for the chunky heels when in comes to shoes. I used to have a pair of platform sneakers...those were rad. For now, it's either my heeled boots or my "Willow shoes": they kinda look like the adidas soccer shoes, only they aren't shiny, and they're pink. (for the Buffy fans...they look like the pair Willow was wearing when she and Xander were playing footsie in season 3).
...I think I went way too in depth on that. Summary: comfy, a bit hippie-ish, brands like LEI and Xhilaration. Lots of blues and greens.
And I so want an "I heart Zach Morris" shirt now