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Old 04-01-2004, 08:51 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Originally posted by Xiomar
Umm... sorry. But how can you compare the two. Sure, talking on you cell phone is stupid... and it causes accidents, but how many people have died from cell phone related accidents in comparison to how many people drunk drivers kill?

Bottom line. People are coming up murdered. Thats right, murdered. If I walk down the street and start firing a gun... sure, I might hit someone.. I might not. It's the same gamble.
And they never see it coming. They never have a chance. Because some asshole was "okay to drive".
I only compared them because i remembered studies comparing them. The point is that drunk driving increases the chance that one will get in an accident. So does talking on your cell phone, or fucking with your gps system or watching a dvd. I don't think they collect statistics on these things, but i would wager that driver inattentiveness is just as murderous as drunk driving. This is all very irrelevant to the thread other than to say that we put more of a stigma on drunk driving than we do on equally risky automotive behavior.

Keep in mind that i'm not trying to justify or rationalize drunk driving. I think it is really fucking irresponsible to gamble with people's lives because you didn't want to call a cab, or spend the night somewhere. I think in some cases, taking away someone's car would be a good thing. I also think that taking away someone's car is a poor substitute for incarceration or court ordered treatment. Until a few years ago and maybe even still, dui was nothing more than a misdemeanor in my state. People have been known to get upwards of 15-20 dui's and not spend any time in jail, beyond sobering-up time. Especially in rural areas, you take away someone's car, they can very easily find a new one or borrow someone else's because they need one to get around. I don't think stealing people's cars is the way to go.
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