Some people I have sympathy for. Others - it's hard to feel any sympathy for them. A neighbor got help from so many people who cared about her and her 5 kids. They tried everything. The only thing that finally helped her at all was she was arrested and her kids taken away. She wasn't even allowed to see them if she failed to go to one meeting or counseling session. She wasn't even allowed to leave the jail until she attended enough sessions and went long enough without drugs to have gone through the withdrawl. I know how much people helped her because some of those people were my friends and myself. None of us MADE her do anything either. She kept asking for out help. Someone helped her get a job and another provided transportation for her (since she lost her liscense for DUI and later her car was impounded). She worked the job for a few weeks, got her first paycheck, and disappeared for a week. Lef the kids and everything. The kids were 3,4,5 yrs old and up. Finally after a week she came back, with a new boyfriend Chicago. Ends up the boyfriend was wanted for murder. Her life was so messed up and drugs were only a part of the picture but she ended up in bad situations cause she wanted the money or help to get more drugs.
If someone tells me that they really do want help in kicking the habit. I'll sympathize and help. If they just use and abuse people like she did. Then they loose all sympathy. It's not about the use. It's about the attitude that they have toward use.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.