I'd like to bring my cpu temps down just a bit. When idle its about 52C and when gaming it goes up to about 58C. I'm trying to decide between installing a new heat sink or getting another case fan (two more can fit in the back).
Getting the heat sink on in the first place was a bitch. I don't think taking it off and installing a new one would be that easy either. It seemed like it required WAY to much force to get the hooks to clip to the socket. Therefore, I'd rather just install another case fan in the back, but if it wont make much of a difference I might go for the new heat sink. The fan would be under $10, so that's a huge plus.
My temps aren't that bad, but it's not summer yet and I don't know if it will stay as cool in that location in the summertime (I live in Phoenix).
Any advice?