maybe i just don't understand why in the hell any woman would have a fantasy, like that. that is so fucked up on more than one level. If you like submissive sex then have it. but i don't think that a rape fantasy is anywhere near normal ( i wouldn't even classify that as a freaky fetish ), it is just fucked up anbd the women who are into that shit need to have there fucking heads examined.
as for the guy, i am sorry but if that is how you like your sex, you have a major fucking screw loose too. and it is only a matter of time before you it won't matter if it's consentual or not).
I would sentance him to a mandatory psychiatric evaluation, and counseling. while he is in jail for two years or more.
WTF is the world coming to?
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Last edited by moonstrucksoul; 04-01-2004 at 03:15 PM..