Originally posted by Tophat665
I guess something about having weather that makes and honest run at killing you 90 days a year makes a country saner.
I like to call it "having weather 90 days a year." =)
The difference between Canada and the States here is pretty simple: on media that tends to be used for recording music, Canada has a levy that is intended to recompensate the makers of music.
The same law that arranges for the levy also makes it legal for Canadians to make personal copies of music.
You cannot copy music for someone else, but you can lend your music to someone and they can copy it.
Just as placing a photocopier in a room of books doesn't mean you are copying the books for the people in the room, opening a file share onto the internet doesn't mean you are copying it for them.
Downloading is thus almost certainly legal in Canada. And, as the person who is sharing the files isn't actively uploading (she is just making it easy to download), it appears she isn't breaking the law either.
There are similar laws surrounding photocopying in Canada, called "CanCopy". For example, every student in Canada pays 5$ into the CanCopy fund, and statistics canada figures out whose books tend to be photocopied and pays the publisher for the photocopies.