For the record, here's a reference to this video at least two weeks ago.
Not really an April's Fool joke anymore, is it?
And for reference, it's from a PBS Special. Check it out here:
The only fools involved here, my analogue friend, were those American soldiers.
Oh, and here is Deputy Sec'y of Defense Paul Mr Wolfowitz's response to a question from a Georgetown University Student who questioned him on this issue
"We are looking into it. And mistakes, pretty ugly mistakes can get made in wartime. And that is again one of the reasons why if you can find a peaceful way to resolve things it is so much better. I would remind everybody wasn't so long before that incident when people were saying 'Why don't you shoot a few looters in Baghdad because looting is causing terrible disruption...'
Looting has been a serious problem. I don't know why those mistakes were made in the particular incident that you described. I do know that the best way to change the situation get more Iraqis on the front lines. They are much less likely to make those mistakes. So it's a legitimate question and we're looking into it."
So I guess, in summary, you
have been proved wrong.
Mr Mephisto