Originally posted by irateplatypus
i frequently listen to what you would describe as "right winged talking heads" and i've don't think i've ever heard praise of the vietnam war be a recurring theme.
it is probably unfair for me to request a specific instance given the nature of the medium. still, i'm really not certain i share your perception of those programs in recent days.
Listen with complete open mind on the subject, no bias either way, and when they talk of Kerry and his "infamous" call before Congress listen how they refute every word he says. We didn't kill babies over there, we didn't do anything Kerry says he saw over there, we were righteous and defending the rights of people. If you can listen without prejudice and bias you can hear it.
Listen to Hedgecock fight with the lady that called after the vet I described above. She said her uncle fought in Nam and saw some nasty things and has never been the same since.
He hounded her first asking "did your uncle see anything like Kerry described?"
To which she came back and said "we don't talk about it because it is too terrible for him to remember."
After getting that out of her around 3 times he then hounded her saying she was an apparent liberal and kept repeating "do you support the troops in Iraq today?"
He did this is rapid fire and in contempt of her and gave her no chance to answer let alone her reasons for her belief.
I'm sure if you go to RushLimbaugh.com you can hear the archived audio. It happened roughly around 1:00-1:30 EST.