A real challenge for the board
well i think this is a challenge, just a little background on me, i am finishing my Junior year at Uconn as an Electrical Engineer, and i am looking for a little design help... so bless your souls if you can help me out...
now what i think i am trying to build is something called a chirp circuit, it supposedly implements a 556 but i looked them up and dont see how it does what i want. What i need is a device that outputs a slowly increasing frequency. My professor claims a 556 and some RC relationships do this, but i was wondering if anyone on this board possibly knew anything about this topic and could give me a little more information.
post ?s if you have them so i can respond
Mods if this isnt the right place please let me know so i can repost.
No, they arnt breasts, they are personalities, because its ok to like a girl for her personalities.
Last edited by the420star; 03-31-2004 at 09:14 PM..