i live in victoria, bc. There is the university of Victoria which is the local uni, but you can count that out unless you have about 82 % avg. the other one in the city is camosun college. camosun is more carer orientated, but you can transfer over to uvic after 2 years. most programs require a C+ in math and english. other programs requirements are higher.
http://camosun.bc.ca/ you can find out all you want to know there. I am in the computer systems technology program right now. Outside of Vancouver island there is the university of BC, but you also need a high grade to get in there. There is Simon-Fraser university as well, I am not sure what the entrance req’s are but I would assume they would be the same as the other uni’s, about 82 %. Hope this help, any questions? sfu =
http://www.sfu.ca/ ubc =