Originally posted by Empty_One
I'm almost positive you need real player. I think wmp may be able to play older ram files, but there may have been a lawsuit, not really sure. Anyway, I had to install it if I wanted to listen to ra files under linux. Man, what a crappy player that P.O.S. is.
Yay propriatary audio formats!
I forget what player it is, but one of them (I think xine, or maybe mplayer, or perhaps xmms, I really forget

) has a reaplayer extention. You have to install the libraries of course but no need to install the player. This is what I've done in Linux but I haven't had to play RealMedia yet so I'm not sure which player it is.
As for Windows, if there's a way in Linux I would think there's probably a way there as well, but I could be wrong.