I am limited to English Speakers unlike the rest of you.
Thomas Edison - I wanna hang out with this guy and let him use the internet and mess with the LEDs, Resisters, Capacitors, ICs and transistors on the workbench in my garage.
Laura Ingles Wilder - Kinda want to take her for a ride in a car. It took them forever to get anywhere and I bet she would find that interesting. I would also feed her candy and listen to her describe what she is seeing.
Jim Leyritz - The King. Drink beers and learn what it is like to be a winner.
George Patten - Crazy loon. Pair him up with Jim and have them get drunk while I chill with Edison and Laura Ingles. Then come back after he is good and loaded and have him tell me about the time he rode the Elephants into Europe to take it over...
Ronald Reagan - After the others are passed out, I would end the night hearing about how Ronnie defeated communism and won the cold war.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.
Last edited by Mondak; 03-31-2004 at 11:45 AM..