These are some really good suggestions. Make your workout fit into your lifestyle. Find a time when you are doing an activity when you can combine what you are doing with exersize. You can read while you ride a stationary bike or walk a treadmill, etc.
I used to do baby lifts while I was home with my daughter and couldn't otherwise get out and exersize. We both had fun and I think I've impressed on her the need for getting some exersize......
What are your goals? They should be realistic, especially for your busy lifestyle. HIT and HIIT are built for the busy person. A lot can be done with a little time set aside per day.
Oh, by the way, turn the TV off. I recaptured a lot of time by not having it on. I was amazed.......
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."