While I personally can see where some of you are comign from, as I am a religious person, I can also step back and say that this type of thinking is fundamentally flawed. Why? Because not everyone is religious.
[sarcasm]Some people- hold on for this one- don't believe in God, or Jesus, and could give a shit less if you say either word at all. I know, right? Heathens.[/sarcasm]
We don't need to placate the whims of every group that comes forward with a crybaby whine about how TV is poisoning their children.
[rant and slight threadjack]
GUESS FUCKING WHAT... if you teach your children the difference between right and wrong, and raise them properly, then hearing shit, piss, Jesus, God, goddamn, fuck fucker motherfucker Barbara Streisand ass asshole cunt twat snatch beaver bastard bitch son-of-a-bitch... won't matter in the least. No poison will enter the mind of a child taught to properly distinguish what is good and what is bad.
I'm only 23, and so my childhood was not that far back, but I can tell you for a fact that when I was a kid, if I heard a word on TV, I'd go to my mom or dad and ask, "what does shit mean?" Their answer was NOT to throw a fit, call the network, toss holy water on me, coddle me in their collective anti-society
vagina, but to simply say, "that's a bad word that people say when they want to be mean." and because I already knew that being mean to people was bad, I simply let it go and never uttered it again until middle school or so, when it became popular to curse.
The whole point is that if these people WERE BEING GOOD PARENTS, they 1. would restrict TV viewing if found necessary, and more importantly, 2. they would give their children the basics- the fundamentals upon which all of lifes decisions are based for the rest of their time on Earth- the difference between right and wrong.
[/rant and slight threadjack]
Originally posted by The Original King
Fuck Jesus.
Masterful use of irony. *stands and applaudes*