As I get older (I'm 56), I notice that merchandisers (read:hucksters) are using tunes that I remember as cutting edge rock to sell stuff that old farts use; today, I saw a Claritin commercial that used the overture from "Tommy" to sell pills. I guess this isn't exactly what this thread was directed at, but when you hear a COVER of "Thick as a Brick" used to sell cars, sompin' ain't right. And Zepplin doing "Rock and Roll" to sell Cadillacs makes me physically ill. I guess time marchs on and money talks, but it sure is a slap in the face.
BTW: I have NO intention of purchasing or using products who use this type of emotional blackmail to sell their shabby product. >rant mode OFF<
"If I had it to do all over,
I'd do it all over you."