Originally posted by rideough
I wouldn't split one line 5 times. That's just silly. What I would do is find where the line comes in and hook up 5 seperate lines from there. If you split one line 5 times you are signifigantly reducing signal strength and increasing db loss. If you split from the source then you have 5 lines of the same strength. This is what I do for a living so I can finally be helpful!
Why do you say that it would weaken the signals? I have done quite a bit of phone wiring and electronics, and I'm not understanding what part of the 'signal' would weaken. There shouldn't be any more loss in a splitter then there would be in a jack with no splitter...the only lossy part is the metal-on-metal connection.
I am gonna step in and disagree with all the people who say splitting a jack that many times is bad...if you think about it, every jack in your house is split from the original wall connection...it's not like you're going to be using them all simultaneously.
The drop to your house is the same gauge wire as the wire in your walls, so as long as each phone has a path to the wall, through however many splitters you want, you won't have a problem.
Originally posted by WarWagon
5 times is a lot of splitting for digital connections. I'd imagine you'd have a very weak signal unless being split directly from your main line.
You cannot have a weak digital signal...it is either there or it isn't. Weakness is something that happens to analog signals.