we influence the energy by the choices we make. The thoughts we have. The actions we take. All of that is usage of energy. WE put it into motion. There is only ONE energy, but it's how we use it that creates it to react a certain way. We can either see that energy as being perfect and everywhere, for our free will to use- with respecting it and knowing what and all it can do....
OR we can abuse, deny, or try to manipulate the energy, which can cause it to fluxuate with extreme reactions, such as "things not going our way", "bad luck", or arguments, fights, death and destruction, etc. But what we choose has a purpose- and a message for us. The experiences we have are all that we create out of how we use the energy.
Relative terms are man-created to help define events, actions, thoughts, or words through simple, individual opinion, basically.
We create the world around us the experiences we have. The choices we make are infinite and free- We are the cause. Not that we're to blame, because the will of our choices are free and every experience has a reason. We will never fail, but we can change. The larger the group consciousness is about something (i.e. fearing terrorism OR stopping descrimination), the more powerful the outcome of that. We control what happens in this world. Indivdually and as a Whole.
No choice is empty of meaning, sometimes some choices and even outcomes of choices are harder to see the meaning or reason, but it's always there.
Let's take a look at a few instances:
a) the gay-marriage activists who gathered in consciousness to make possible the legalility of those gay marriages in some states now.
b) Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks for standing up against descrimination against blacks. Look at us now. We still have the KKK and "skinheads", but we are not all seperated anymore, thanks to people like them.
c) The combined consciousness of fear and vulnerability we created in order for the 9-11 attacks to occor. Those incidents were not out of our hands, yet we let them slide right through.
d) Adam and Eve, first man and first woman of the human experience who brought relativity into the human experience, by making what we call a "wrong" choice, but showing that they could make any choice at all. It was simply a first blessing, not original sin. If they didn't make that choice, we would all be acting as "cogs in the machine", as you say.....but we don't. We all act, choose, and "ARE" different. For a reason. To keep the truth living that we can make any choices we want, but there are reaction, effects, and consequences to each choice we make. And in each reaction, effect, and consequence is a new beginning and a reason.
It blows me away how magnificent life works and how I really am in control of it. Start looking at the energy and how you can use it. In every situation you encounter. In everything you think and say and do. Think about it before you do it and see the possible effects/consequences and in that you will see how the energy will be used. You will see that there is more than one option, therefore giving you "choices". You have the choice to make any choice you wish. That you are in control of moving that energy. You create the ripples. What ripples will you create?