The problem with stomach stapling and other forms of cosmetic surgury is that it breaks a social custom. (on a grand scale, stomach stapling is surgury whose intended result is cosmetic)
Namely, people who are good looking had to put effort into becoming good looking. Those who 'cheat' via surgury or other means are breaking this custom, and those who do it 'honestly' do and probably should find it reprehenceable.
It devalues the investment those who work on their body put into their body.
The absolutely worst possible thing you can do is fail to follow silly local customs: rubbing blue mud in your belly when the locals do. (
There are also the side issues of the fact that most of these processes are pretty dodgy on a whole. =) But, many of the people who object to this sort of thing would object to a perfectly safe version of it, simply because it is cheating.
As an aside, I agree with the people who think rubbing blue mud in your bellybutton is a horrible thing not to do. Cheating at having an attractive body, when it is almost always not that hard to get one, is not a sign of a froody dude.
At the same time, I look forward to the day when technology can rebuild/repair you at a whim. Probably won't help all that much, admittedly: having the 'right' outfit matters more than having good quality clothes to a good chunk of the population. Simularly, having the 'right' body shape/condition will matter more than having a healthy body.