My work has some strong toilets, definetley not low flow.
I just have a habit of using a bit too much toilet paper. It's a bit scat-ophobia I guess. I don't want it on my hands and I wanna make sure my ass is clean as can be so I end up using a huge wad of tp.
The only way I make sure I don't clog and create hassles for the janitorial staff is to flush multiple times. Minimum flush for me is 3, I usually go 4, sometimes 5.
Once for the deposit, once for the first three wipes or so and so on...

My fiancee's parents have one toilet, low flow and very old. It's made for a hobbit as well. I go through agony on that thing worrying every time that I may clog. It has a two minute recharge time as well. So, I spend a lot of time just waiting around.
(I don't like to linger, no reading etc.)