I do much better now, but my career is far from demanding (any more). I now work out of the house, and I make time 3 days a week to hit the gym. However, a tip that I can give is what I did before this period of my life... well, I did a lot of saying "I really need to get to the gym" to myself, but every time before I start trying to "get back into" exercise, I do the following:
1 time a day, either morning or night, or when you have a chance do some simple floor routine exercises for 15-20 minutes. You would be AMAZED what 2-4 sets of 10 push-ups and 2-3 sets of 10-20 crunches can do for your body if you do them every day. You can also do these while watching TV, or spending time with your kids (if you are so enriched) - kids love to watch their parents do exercies, and it is a good way to be a role model for fitness to them - cause lord knows they'll need it later.
Other tips:
Take the stairs at work (if possible)
Walk to lunch if you work in an area with close restaurants
Flex your stomach muscles while in that morning/evening traffic on the commute home.
Take a 5 minute break at the cubicle/office periodically (2-3 times) during the day and do some quick stretching and maybe a few push-ups for the heck of it -if it's inconspicuous of course.
None of these stress your cardio system enough to be considered a good workout by most standards, but some exercise is that much closer to a healthy lifestyle than not.
Another tip: push-mow your yard and sell that hulking rider mower that takes up so much space. Your body can use that exercise.
I think that's what they mean by "nickels a day can feed a child." I thought, "How could food be so cheap over there?" It's not, they just eat nickels. - (supposedly) Peter Nguyen, internet hero