Just checked to see if I was right about Darling Nikki and I was, so I'll think up another question.
The PMRC was already formed, apparently, when they came after the Dead Kennedys for their Frankenchrist album. H.R. Giger (the guy who designed the alien in Alien who also did a bunch of memorable album covers) had a work of art called 'Landscape #20, also called 'Penis Landscape', which was included as an album insert and pissed someone off and criminal charges for distrubution of harmful matter to minors were brought against the Kennedys in a trial where Jello Biafra argued that they were trying to violate First Amendment rights. I remember digging up the picture on a Google search a while back. I'll see if I can find it again.
Persuaded, paraded, inebriated, and down
Still aware of everything life carries on without