Ok, imagine this.
God is not a BEing, persay. Within our minds we think "being" as in some form.
This BE-ing we call God, does exist, but not how its been defined or perceieved. Yes, this "God" is a BEing, it is JUST BE-ing. What BEing can just BE? And always was and always will BE and will never ceise to exist, no matter what we do?
The "Source of All Things"=Energy. It surrounds and binds everything in existance. It comes in infinite forms. Enough force of energy creates motion, even matter.
Okay, enough of that. This energy does not consist of good and bad, it's just energy, pure and simple energy. But it is how we use it that controls how the energy reacts. Why wouldn't we then have free will to choose? This energy is no higher of a BEing than we are, and we all have it, we all use it- every day, every second. It's a matter of how we use it. We all make different choices. If we are to make a choice that creates a "negative" friction with Energy, it will seem like a bad choice, or a even that whatever consequence happens, we may deny that we had no part in it, that it just happened to us. Negative energy connects with negative energy, positive energy connects with positive energy. That's a relative way of describing it. Energy is really just energy, but we bring out and define "positive" and "negative", neither of which are better than the other, but as you would notice- if you were to make the choice out of Love or Fear, youw ould notice the contrasting difference. And we act out of and choose out of Love, the energy then reacts as "positive", seeming to make us feel "good" and seeming to naturally flow. If we act out of Fear, the only thing opposite of Love, the energy reacts in a "negative" manner, seeming to clash with one another.
Think of it as ripples- are you creating "positive" ripples out of Love, or "negative" ripples out of fear. Fear connects to Fear, Love connects to Love.
But this stems all from the freedom of choice. The Energy we are from, the energy that we also create, stems from a pure essence of existance, with no contrasting or conflicting parts. WE, the people, create the contrasting or conflicting parts that make this world keep spinning. To make us keep living. We work, we question, we fight, we wonder, we fear........even we all stopped doing all of that, we wouldn't exist, therefore there would be no reason for the Energy to exist either.
Oh, boy, I feel like I'm rambling, it may not make sense, but it comes down to this. Energy creates matter. Matter meaning US. We have thoughts. Thoughts are pure energy. We act upon, or put those thoughts into motion, creating more matter. And, thus we keep going and evolving, living from day to day.
With each choice we make from these thoughts, creating an action we take, will always have an outcome. Now, the outome is where the effect of our choices comes through. We can choose to observe it as an experience that we chose and for us to learn more of who we are, or we can ignore it or blame an outside source for the outcome. We all choose everything we do and experience in life. If you look at it in a detailed map, you would notice the trend (thoughts, actions, creation, outcomes). But there are no coinsidences, no accidents, no fate. It all happens for a reason, and we are the reason. It's nothing to be angry about, upset about, or confused by. All things happen perfectly, even though its hard to fathom. Therefore, there is no punishment, condemnation, or a burning pit of hell we will roast in if we make a bad choice, because there IS no bad choice. There is only choice.
Check out Wayne Dyer, he puts it in such a beautiful, simple way.