Originally posted by Mantus
That is very well put. Though I have to add that if an object behaves as if it’s existence is continuous whether we are aware of it or not then by all means would it not qualify as a continuously existing object? How else can we measure existence?
That is the thing. I don't claim to be able to measure existance or non existance.
I just muddle by.
It is convienient to assume my senses are reflecting things that exist, usually: sometimes it is convienient to assume they fail, for example, when I play with optical illusions.
It is also convienient to assume things continue to exist when I don't look at them.
My philosophy cannot answer every question put to it. My philosophy is, formally, "incomplete". Personally, I don't trust anyone who claims to have a complete philosophy: it is far easier to lie and claim to know the Truth than to gain the Truth. So, I view this not as a flaw, but as a feature any reasonable philosophy must have... And I embrace it.
But I would also point out that continual existence is a tried and tested theory.
I don't remember having my convienient assumptions about existance contradicted. And, I haven't heard of a report I consider reliable from others of my convienient assumptions about existance contradicted, dispite the work people seem to have put into contradicting them.
I don't always assume things lightly. =)
Now, functionally, in day-to-day events, this means I behave as if things continue to exist. And, when I think about strange subjects (like QM), I view the universes that spout off as having as much existance as the one I seem to be experiencing.
And, if one day it would make me a happier person to assume there is a universe with particular properties which we cannot observe from here, I might just assume it. No real harm.
Things with no real consequences, like such universes, should still be handled with care. If you ever draw conclusions about actions you should take, then you have made a mistake: for, if you could draw conclusions from its existance, you leave its existance up for the possiblity of contradiction. (if A implies B, and you demonstrate not B, then not A).
All of which is way way overly pedantic for a monday.