Originally posted by J_Capeci
Who would want an 8 or 9 inch penis anyway? It would just be uncomfortable, and wouldn't add anything to your lovers sexual sensation.
I'm in that range and I have never gotten any complaints about it being uncomfortable......until reading this thread, I didn't realize '8 or 9' was "big" (figured I was about average...haven't seen many dicks except porn, hehe)...my idea of 'big' was the 11 or 12, as one of my ex's slept with a guy with an 11" dick and said it hurt her, AND he didn't know what he was doing--He thought being long would be enough, all he ended up doing was bruising her cervix-not a fun time.
I would imagine that you can be a bad lover with a big dick, and a good lover with a small dick...there are probably about the same amount of both out there.