I don't think he took a dive, but I'm not into starting a pissing war about it, but just to be clear, I did not say a slight tap could hurt like a SOB, I said a shot that leaves a smaller mark than the one Smitty got can hurt.
I think Turc and all the players gotta screw their heads on a little tighter. Everyone says it's a lack of respect that's causing all the stick work and cheap shots etc.
I like to use the word honour. At one time winning a sporting event was'nt worth the effort if you did not win with honour. Now the code is win at all costs. Hence the lack of honour, lack of honesty, lack of respect for each other etc. Ever seen a player say something like "Actually Mr. referee I did kick it in...let's not count it and get on with the game." ?
Something like that happened in a top level curling game recently. Other team said to the effect of "That's cool we don't think that kick will affect the outcome, let's play on"
Last edited by Tirian; 03-28-2004 at 11:39 PM..