Dumb Mac newbie questions
As you may know, I have said goodbye to Windows and am now a Mac user. PC users spare me the usual "if you had a PC you wouldn't have to worry about that" horseshit. My PowerBook is currently running OS 10.2.8, and Panther is in the mail from Apple. My first question pertains to how downloads are handled. When I download an install file (MSN Messenger for example), it places the installer on the desktop, and then an icon what looks vaguely similar to a CD-ROM drive. What is this icon and why does it disappear when I reboot? What is the difference between a .sit file and the file that "PC equivalent: unzips" from it? Why not just have a "pre-unzipped" file to d/l?
My second issue pertains to .avi playback. I have been pissing around for a few days trying to get any program to fucking play .avi's. The DivX site said the QuickTime player is what is used, but that doesn't work. I have the DivX decoder, and the 3ivx codec, which I also read is needed. Any ideas anyone? Briefly, will Panther address any of these issues?
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