I went to the mall today with a friend (you all may know her as Luki). It was really cool--we walked around, bullshitted, scoped out attractive (and some not-so-attractive) guys...
Anyway, at our mall, we have these mechanical wizard things, much like the one in the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks. Just for kicks, I put in 50 cents, and pressed the buttons and all that jazz and said, "I wish I were big."
It started making the weird wizard noise and it waved its arms around and its eyes lit up and everything. But no little card popped out like it was supposed to.
So, I said again, "I wish I were big, I wish I were big!" and I started banging on it.
Luki sort of nudges me at that point and says, "Uhh... Jeni?"
"What?" said I.
"Look behind you."
Sure enough, there was a family of midgets (excuse me: dwarfs) standing right behind me, and the mom looked like she wanted to kick my ass. She came about up to my waist, but I beat a hasty retreat nonetheless.

I feel like such an asshole, but honestly--what are the odds?