I am not sure how to round out the lsit, but my priority would be on people who were well rounded rather than experts in a narrow field. The ultimate Renaissance man is Leonardo da Vinci who was the leader in both art and science at his time. He also dabled in the culinary arts, perhaps he could cater. The other must have on the list would be the Leonardo of his time, Benjamin Franklin. I think that Bob Hope would be a great choice. He certainly could bring humor to the table.
Now we need four women. History is full of well rounded women, but they have not been nearly so well documented. After a few movies I have seen recently I am tempted to choose the women by different criteria. Monica Potter and Kate Beckinsale are high on the list. Lucy would also be fun. I think I will round out the table with Helen Hunt.
I was there to see beautiful naked women. So was everybody else. It's a common failing.
Robert A Heinlein in "They Do It With Mirrors"