I just started playin' up again, after about 3 years with some friends on a LAN (playing with friends is more fun, also the same room

). ANyway, i was upset that it seems you can no longer gamble uniques. Gambling is a lot of fun
Also the
grab-bag on item pickups is incredibly amussing, a race for the prize, people sacrificing their life to run in and grab a dropped item from a mob (esepcially when you're playing hardcore characters).
Although it seems most of the skills etc i remebered from older versions are now not as good, so i might have to spend time researching up what's good etc
i wonder how long it'll stay fresh again though. I remeber in 2000 or around when it came out, i played it pretty solid for about 5 months? although i imagine theres people who played
a lot more than that.
good to relive some of the fun though