It's as if BMW and Mercedes are in some kind of heated battle to see who can do a better job of shitting all over their image.
BMW: "Look what we got this Bangle guy to do to our flagship! And if you think that's bad, wait till you see what happens when we cut him loose on the rest of the lineup! Plus, we're forcing iDrive on our customers even though it's completely pointless and everyone despises it!"
M-B: "Oh yeah? Well we're going to roll out a bunch of cheap cars that look like the ones that cost half a million in order to ruin our upscale image and completely alienate all the people who wanted to buy a Benz because of the prestige. Then we're going to make them with all the quality and reliability of a 10 year old Hyundai!"
...and then people wonder why Lexus is doing so well.