In the same vein, maybe I shouldn't answer for the possibility of violating the same protocol. But, I figure I have to, since the Lone Gunman series was one of my favorite but short-lives series next to Firefly.
John Fitzgerald Byers (at least it wasn't Bertrand!)
Richard Langly, (I wanted to say Ringo, but I'm not sure if that's his "official" name)
Melvin Frohicke.
I will never forgive Chris Carter for knocking them off in one of the last X-Files episodes, though.
I have half the urge to have a two-part question, but I'll leave the second one as a purely optional pursuit.
One of my favorite ST:TNG episodes is "Yesterday's Enterprise". What was the name of the captain of the Enterprise-C, which was brought forward in time and created an alternate universe? Optionally, what pivotal battle (or location) did the Enterprise-C fight at that changed history?
Monty this seems strange to me.
The movies had that movie thing,
but nonsense has a welcome ring
and heroes don't come easy.