Kid Koala
Okay, this is kind of a rebirth of the "Is a DJ a musician?" thread. A couple of nights ago I saw Kid Koala and some other guys like Amon Tobin and P Love. I'd heard of Kid Koala, and I've heard some turntablists before, but I've never seen them perform live. If there is anybody out there that thinks somebody like Kid Koala or Amon Tobin isn't a musician is smoking crack. I was simply blown away by this guys skill at the turntables. He would pick the needle up and down to play individual notes on the record in order to make his own riffs, and the scratching? Like I said, only once you see this stuff live can you really appreciate how talented these guys are. If you ever get the opportunity to see a turtablist, don't let it pass you by.
Has anybody else here ever seen Kid Koala or Amon Tobin? What other turtablists do you know of that you could suggest to me. I'm lovin' this stuff!